Powerful website copy that sells the heck out of your calendar.

Forget about waiting for the phone to ring. Here’s to an inbox chock full of inquiries.

Are You at Home Here?

I write websites that do the heavy lifting to show off your unstoppable personality. We’re talking website copy that feels authentic, flaunts your value, and pushes your business towards all the unrealistic goals you have for it. Here, we don’t apologize for being β€œtoo much”.

You appreciate when someone goes the extra mile for you, and you do the same for your clients. Let’s make your words highlight your best assets and have them shouting β€œTake my money!” to work exclusively with you.

I'm here for the high achievers who can let their hair down. The ones who won’t compromise on what they know they’re capable of, but haven’t lost their sense of humour along the way.

I know the frustration. The kind where…

βœ“ Your web copy doesn’t capture how unparalleled you work is, and it’s hurting your bottom line

βœ“ Your waitlist is shorter than you’d like

βœ“ Your website lacks what your clients actually want to hear before they buy

βœ“ You’re not quite communicating the true ethos you offer

What if I told you there was a better way?

Oh Hey, I’m Laura

Writing websites that drive sales through personality and authority.

Copy that pushes your business forward to attract the dreamiest of clients, showcase your β€œTake no BS” side, and create a look into what it’s like to experience all YOU have to offer is right in my wheelhouse! More money funneled to high achievers (who can let their hair down!) is empowering. And it's my privilege to help you get there.

I write websites so that your copy works for you. Your clients want what you provide, like no one else can. You want copy that draws in customers who need their name on your list. I’ll write you a website that does both!

Irresistible Website Copy Services

Sales Page Refresh

A sales page that actually works to attract your audience, tell them what they want to hear, and create more monetary success through your sales page. This option has a tasty little ROI for sure.

Website Refresh

A polished up version of your existing website that attracts the best clients and generates bigger money – without starting from the ground up. Say goodbye to a blah website that leaves money on the table.

Custom Website

Shiny new website copy that is sure to sound like you, attract the right kind of client, and have them excited to book with YOU specifically. Here’s where we’re really putting the dollars in your pocket!

High Praise Indeed

”Working with Laura was fun and easygoing. I love that my copy is conversational, relatable, and authoritative. She gave me confidence, and I couldn’t wait for everyone to lay eyes on my business.”

- Jennie, Jennifer Carfora Designs

Ready to Be Fully Booked?

Your time is too precious to be spent chasing every could-be client that comes your way. Say goodbye to discouraging click outs, and yes to copy that draws in more bookings, and people psyched to experience all you have to offer.

Emails you can’t wait to open

A little bit of personality, and a whole lotta copy magic! 

We won’t spam you - Scout’s Honour.